Dropping/Withdrawal from a Course
Your class schedule must be set by the time ǿմý classes start. If you decide you no longer wish to take a course you are registered for, you can “drop” the course until the drop date published on the ǿմý website, and it will be removed from your schedule. After that date, you will need to complete the withdraw process.
Dropping a Course
To drop a course, you must consult your high school counselor and the Student Services Department to remove the course from your schedule. This MUST be done before the published drop date or you will not be able to drop the course.
Withdrawal from a Course
How to withdraw
To withdraw from a course, you MUST first consult your high school counselor regarding your intentions BEFORE withdrawing. You will be required to submit a Withdrawal Form, signed by your instructor, to ǿմý’s Student Services office. Notifying your high school counselor or simply not going to class IS NOT an official withdraw. If you fail to withdraw from a course properly you will receive an “E” on your transcript for the course, which will affect your permanent academic record.
You will receive a “W” grade if you withdraw. This will not affect your college GPA, but could affect your high school graduation requirements. You must talk with your high school counselor prior to withdrawing.
There is a deadline to withdraw from a course.Check the course syllabus in each course for your instructor’s withdrawal policy. This date may vary from class to class.
Tuition Allotment for Courses Dropped/Withdrawn from
If you drop a course the funds for that course will be pulled from your student account at ǿմý and you will not be charged tuition for that course. Please note that if you had already used some of those funds to purchase textbooks you may receive a bill in the mail.
If you withdraw from a course, you will be responsible for paying back your high school for the cost of the tuition they paid on your behalf.
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