Campus Safety Information and Resources
ǿմý wants everyone who comes to our campuses to feel safe and comfortable. In that spirit, we have compiled several agencies' contact information, as well as our own information, should it be needed. In addition, there are other resources that can be found in this document that may be a helpful resource for not only students, but for their friends and family members.
In an emergency, if police, fire or medical personnel need to be contacted immediately, CALL 911.
Non-emergency information
ǿմý County Sheriff
Main number: 989-831-7590
General non-emergency office hours: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
General or routine email: mcsheriff@montcalm.us
This mailbox is checked Monday through Friday ONLY.
Greenville Public Safety
- Main number: 616-754-9161
- Office hours: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Email: infocity@greenvillemi.org
ǿմý County Central Dispatch
To report a crime, or if law enforcement assistance is needed, contact the ǿմý County Central Dispatch.
Phone: 989-831-3500or 616-225-3500
ǿմý County Sheriff's Office is now using Nixle to keep the public up-to-date with relevant public safetyNews Releases and Alerts.
Visit to register.
EightCAP, Inc. provides emergency assistance and additional services, and improves our community by partnering with private, government, and community organizations to deliver programs to low-income residents that alleviate the local causes of poverty and its effects. They assist with emergency housing, emergency food, early childhood programs, CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children.
5827 Orleans Rd.
Orleans, MI, 48865
Phone: 616-754-9315
Health Services
ǿմý County Michigan Health Department provides information on health insurance, affordable health care, public health, human services, women's healthcare, children and family health services and other issues.
ǿմý County Health Department
615 North State Street
Stanton, MI 48888
Phone: 989-831-5237
Relief After Violent Encounter - Ionia/ǿմý counties (RAVE-I/M, Inc.) is the only comprehensive program serving men, women and children in ǿմý and Ionia counties who are victims of domestic and sexual violence.
RAVE-I/M, Inc.
852 E. Lincoln Ave.
Ionia, MI 48846
Phone: 616-527-3351
24-hour Crisis line is 1-800-720-SAFE (7233) Email: administration@raveim.org
Title IX Offices
ǿմý does not have public safety officers on staff, however, the ǿմý County Sheriff’s Department assists in regular patrols when possible. The Title IX office is located in the Donald C. Burns Administration building on ǿմý's Sidney campus and can be reached during general business hours from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Title IX officer is Connie Stewart, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, who can be contacted by calling 989-328-1249 or email connies@montcalm.edu. In her absence, please contact ǿմý's Director of Human Resources, Riki Jensen, by calling 989-328-1220 or email riki.jensen@montcalm.edu.
Campus Public Safety Services
Anonymous tip line
Students and employees may use this phone number to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve criminal, unethical, or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of ǿմý's established policies and Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
Phone: 1-866-384-4277 (toll free)
Usher Services
ǿմý does not have an official usher service, but when needed, we have utilized staff to usher students within our campus. (Generally, it is from the classroom to the parking lot.)
Building surveillance
ǿմý currently has a total of 126 cameras on both Sidney and Greenville campuses.
Below is a break down of indoor and outdoor cameras per campus:
- Sidney campus - 72 Indoor, 20 Outdoor
- Greenville campus - 25 Indoor, 9 Outdoor
- All buildings on the Sidney and Greenville campuses are within moderate walking distance.
- ǿմý's Sidney campus is located in a very rural area within the county and there are not local transportation buses that function in the surrounding area.
- Near ǿմý's Greenville campus is Greenville Transportation System, which provides safe, affordable, and convenient public transportation throughout the City and neighboring Eureka Township. ContactGreenville Transportation System by phone at 616-754-9331, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- On occasion, we also provide gas gift cards on as as needed basis.
ǿմý Fire and Weather Safety Procedures
- If you see a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm
- Evacuate when you hear fire alarm or when advised to do so by an ǿմý employee
- Be aware of predesignated primary and alternate evacuation routes
- Leave building in an orderly manner
- Persons should be evacuated at least 300 feet from building and out of the way of emergency vehicles
- CALL 911
- Return to building only when advised it is safe to do so
Prior to the onset of bad weather:
- Know where the shelter area is located nearest you as indicated by a tornado sign.
- Ensure those around you know location of shelter areas
During a tornado or severe weatherwatch:
- Close windows and blinds
- Revisit of tornado procedures
- Locate the shelter area nearest your location
- Review the Drop and Tuck position remembering the need to face a wall
- Do not be alarmed if lights go out
Immediate action may be required. Drop and tuck under tables if you think a tornado is striking.
During a tornado or severe weatherwarning:
- In the event of a weather emergency, quickly and safely move to the shelter area nearest your location
- Avoid areas by doors, glass walls or windows
- Wait for an “all-clear” from an ǿմý employee
- Sit on floor quietly and encourage others to do so
- Remain calm and quiet and encourage others to do so
- If you sense a tornado is striking, Drop and Tuck facing a wall
Other weather-related conditions:
If weather conditions necessitate the closing of ǿմý’s facilities, college administration will notify the ǿմý community via the college’s Omnilert mass notification system, as well as posting the information on the college’s website.
Minors on Campus Policy
The purpose of this policy is to encourage the security, safety and wellness of minors who are on ǿմý’s campuses. The College welcomes all visitors and students, including dual enrolled high school aged students, Early College students and children participating in approved programs, summer camps and academic camps. The College fosters a safe and effective teaching and learning environment and strives for a workplace free from unnecessary disruptions and distractions and therefore, minors normally must be accompanied by their adult supervisors at all times. For the purpose of this policy, minor children are defined as children under the age of eighteen (18) who are not enrolled in a college course (credit or non-credit) or are an Early College student.
Dual enrolled and minor students or minors working on campus
This policy does not apply to: a.) dual-enrolled high school students at the College, b.) minors that are admitted as students to ǿմý, c.) minors that are working on campus with the permission of their parent/guardian, or d.) events on campus that are open to the public and which minors attend at the sole discretion of their parents/guardians and are accompanied by their parents/guardians.
Minors working on campus are regulated by both federal and state laws. The College will comply with applicable regulations and only employ those minors that have provided the required documentation to be eligible for employment. The College may authorize minors to work in accordance with the hours and functions permitted by law.
Minors in the classroom
The College strongly discourages bringing minors to class and students are encouraged to make child care arrangements to reduce interruption of the educational process and avoid possible injury to a minor. The instructor does have the discretion to make an exception due to unforeseen circumstances. When this occurs, the minor must remain in line of sight of the adult supervisor and they are not allowed to leave them unattended on campus. This applies to all areas of the College, including but not limited to, classrooms, outside gathering areas, library, halls, computer labs, and the recreation building.
Reporting Unattended Minors on Campus
If it is believed that a minor is unattended on campus for any reason, this should be reported immediately to the Vice President for Administrative Services at 989-328-1249 or designee.
While the College strives to be a family-friendly environment, it is not appropriate to bring children to work as a substitute for making arrangements for regular childcare while at work. Employees are prohibited from bringing minors to work, unless approved by their supervisor. The following tenets have served as guidelines:
- Sick children should never be brought to work.
- Employees may have their child(ren) or grandchild(ren) at work during their meal period.
- Employees may have their child(ren) or grandchild(ren) at work on a designated “Bring Your Child to Work” day.
- Employees may have their child(ren) or grandchild(ren) at work at other times only with prior approval of their immediate supervisor.
- Whenever an employee brings his or her child(ren) or grandchild(ren) to work, the employee is responsible for assuring the child(ren)’s proper behavior and for cleaning up after the child(ren). Employees should be aware that what constitutes a safe work environment with appropriate safeguards for employees may not be equally safe for children. Paper shredders, metal scissors, staplers, photo copiers, and similar items are all commonplace in an office situation where employees are trained in their use but threaten a child’s safety. There are also many restricted areas including storerooms, mechanical rooms, workshops, laboratories, clinics, kitchens, construction sites, and other areas where toxic or hazardous substances are kept.
- Children are not allowed to use ǿմý computers or other equipment, except those items specifically designated for public access.
- The employee is responsible for protecting confidential information protected by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and other laws and regulations.
- Minor children and family members are not prohibited from being in the workplace during events intended for children and/or families or community participation.
If an employee has an exceptional family emergency, and is required to bring their minor to work, the employee’s immediate supervisor will determine if the minor may remain at work. The factors to consider, among others, is whether the minor interferes with the usual workplace activities, whether the work environment is safe for the minor, the age of the minor, and whether he/she can fulfill his/her work obligations.
If permitted to have a minor on campus, he/she is required to supervise his/her child at all times, never leave the child unattended, and never leave the child in the custody or care of a third person while on campus.
The College reserves the right to revoke at any time the employee’s privilege to bring his/her child on campus.
Resources for Sexual Abuse or Sexual Assault Survivors
- is the only comprehensive program serving men, women and children in ǿմý and Ionia counties who are victims of domestic and sexual violence.
- is a resource handbook for campus sexual assault survivors, friends and family. This e-book was published in 2018 by The Office of the Governor, in conjunction with the First Lady of Michigan.
Safety Information
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